Welcome to the MTSU BAP Fall Events Registration for Organizations!


Meet the Firms (MTF)

Who: Accounting firms and other organizations that hire our graduates, MTSU accounting students, and MTSU faculty

When: Thursday, September 5, 2024, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. (Set-up begins at 3:45 p.m., Reception at 4:15 p.m.)

Where: Student Union Building, Second Floor Ballrooms, MTSU Campus, Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Meet the Firms Overview

Meet the Firms (MTF) is MTSU’s premiere recruiting event of the year. Beta Alpha Psi sponsors the event, and all accounting majors and recent accounting graduates are invited. This well-attended event provides an opportunity for you to meet numerous potential employees before finalizing your first-round interview decisions. Participants also enjoy connecting with colleagues, faculty, and former classmates.

Meet the Firms Set-up

We encourage you to bring as many people as you would like from your organization. We do not need the names in advance, but request that all your representatives sign in upon arrival at the Student Union Building. A display table and two chairs will be provided for each participating organization; most participants bring tablecloths to dress their tables. A second display table may be requested, space permitting. *Additional details on the request for a second table are provided below.

Meet the Firms Parking

On-campus parking continues to be a challenge, and we suggest you carpool if possible. We will utilize MTSU’s online parking request system and email your designated firm representative a parking registration link to be shared with attending employees. Paper parking passes will be mailed only by request or if we experience unexpected issues with the online system. Please let us know the number of parking passes needed for the event.

Meet the Firms Fees

The registration fee for MTF is $300 and includes one display table and two chairs. A second display table may be purchased for an additional $300.*

The $300 MTF registration fee is waived for any organization that enters a team in the Topgolf Outing as either a Sponsor Team or a Participating Team. Additionally, the fee for a second display table is waived for any organization that enters a Sponsor Team in the Topgolf Outing. See the Topgolf Outing Entry Form for more information.  

To facilitate event planning, a surcharge of $50 will be assessed on MTF registration requests made after Thursday, August 22, 2024.

Please complete the online registration form below no later than Thursday, August 22, 2024. Fees are due no later than the event date.

To better facilitate our receipt of payment, we ask that you pay online using either a debit/credit card or a PayPal account. Be sure to include the same email address both in the "Payment Method" section of the registration form and in the online checkout form to ensure you receive proper credit for your payment. Contact Brandon Vagner at [email protected] should you require alternative payment arrangements.

* The availability of a second display table may be limited due to the number of registrant requests and space constraints. A second display table must be requested in advance and will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis (according to the request date). Priority to secure a second display table will be given to Topgolf Outing Sponsors before tables are made available for purchase by other participants. If Beta Alpha Psi is unable to fulfill a request for a second display table, the fee paid, if any, will be refunded to your organization.

Topgolf Outing

Who: Accountants from throughout Tennessee, MTSU BAP students, and MTSU faculty

When: Friday, September 20, 2024, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Where: Topgolf - Nashville (500 Cowan St., Nashville, TN)

Why: This is a wonderful opportunity for camaraderie and strengthening professional contacts, while providing funds to support our students.


The format of the Topgolf Outing is a team relay tournament. Each organization can join the outing as a Sponsor Team or a Participating Team. Consistent with prior years, the $300 Meet the Firms registration fee is waived for organizations entering any team in the Topgolf Outing. Each team will consist of three members from your organization, and student(s) will be rotated across teams throughout the outing.

Team entry fees entitle each team member to (1) Topgolf play, (2) beverages (non-alcoholic), and (3) catered lunch buffet.

Sponsor Teams receive the following additional benefits:

  • One additional Topgolf Outing team member (for a total of four), at no charge. Note: Participating Teams may include one additional team member for an added cost of $100.
  • Option to purchase a maximum of two additional lunch tickets for non-golfers at a rate of $30 per lunch ticket, allowing your organization to have two additional employees join us for lunch and networking.
  • Promotional recognition as a sponsor at Meet the Firms and the Topgolf Outing.
  • Priority to secure a second display table for Meet the Firms at no additional charge, space permitting (a $300 value).
  • Priority in selecting a date to present at a regular BAP meeting.

Entry Fees

Topgolf Outing Sponsor Teams ($1,000)

Topgolf Outing Participating Teams ($700)

Additional Sponsorship Opportunities

One type of sponsorship that does not require team entry is available:

  1. Longest Drive Prize Sponsors ($100)

*Digital display of these additional sponsors will appear in all Topgolf Outing bays.

Please use the online registration form below.


Note: If you plan to complete the hardcopy registration forms previously sent via email, then skip to Step 3 below.

Step 1: MTF / Topgolf Outing Registration Form

*If you need to go back within any of the registration forms, use the small arrows at the bottom of the form to navigate.

Step 2: BAP Chapter Presentation Request Form

One of the primary benefits of BAP membership is the quality of speakers that come to campus each week to engage with our members and candidates. Meetings are held on Tuesday afternoons; they begin at 4:30 p.m. and last approximately one hour. Following the meeting, we usually have an informal gathering to provide a time for the presenters and the students to mingle. Refreshments are served, and we always appreciate it greatly when the participating organization reimburses the cost.

Several firms like to schedule their chapter presentation to coincide with recruiting schedules, and, as a result, the requests to speak exceed our availability during certain timeframes. As noted in the “Save the Date” message sent earlier this summer, our process for scheduling speakers for weekly chapter meetings will continue in the manner we established in prior years. The process for allocating available speaking dates will be as follows:

Priority 1 – firms that committed to Topgolf team sponsorship by July 1
Priority 2 – firms that commit to Topgolf team sponsorship by August 1
Priority 3 – firms that participate in Meet the Firms
Priority 4all others

We would be delighted to have you speak to our students and ask that you complete the BAP Chapter Presentation Request Form below:

Step 3: Select Your Package Options & Submit Online Payment

Note: to add multiple options to your cart for purchase, you will need to start by clicking "add to cart" for your first desired option, which will take you to that specific option page. Within that specific option page, you will click "add to cart" again. To add additional option(s) to your cart, you will need to return to this webpage and repeat the process for each additional option you wish to add to your cart.  

Primary Package Options

MTF Only (No Golf)


See above for info on package options.


MTF + Topgolf (Sponsor Team)


See above for info on package options.


MTF + Topgolf Outing (Participating Team)


See above for info on package options.


MTF Add-On Options

MTF Non-Sponsor Team Second Display Table


See above for info on package options.


Surcharge for Late Registration


For any requests to attend Meet the Firms made after Thursday, August 22, 2024, please add this surcharge of $50


Topgolf Add-On Options

Topgolf Longest Drive Prize Sponsor



Additional Topgolf Outing Team Member for Participating Teams

REMINDER: Topgolf Participating Teams may include an additional team member (maximum of one), for an added cost of $100. This add-on purchase option is for Topgolf Participating Teams only. Topgolf Sponsor Teams may have one additional Topgolf Outing team member (for a total of four), at no charge. Topgolf Sponsor teams just need to designate your additional team member within the registration form.



Additional Buffet Lunch Tickets (Non-Golfers)

(Only Topgolf Sponsor Teams may request up to 2 additional lunch tickets)



For any questions regarding our options above, don't hesitate to contact us!

Thank you! We appreciate your support!